

Deputy Director General

Public Health Research and Technology Transfer

Research & Technology Transfer
The health problem in Ethiopia is wide and diverse with complex challenges. To address this, public health research plays important role by generate and disseminate evidence based information to improve the health of general public. The large magnitude of disease and nutritional problems affecting the well being of the people can be well addressed through priority setting and emphasis on research areas of immediate importance for control measures. In addition to biomedical research which is traditionally taken as the only focus for health research, other problems associated with health care delivery by health facilities and health seeking behavior by the community are important research areas which are address several cross cutting issues. With these in mid, the institute assigned Research and Technology Transfer and Dissemination as a core process to facilitate problem solving research activities and dissemination of the findings to improve various control efforts.

The objective of the Research Technology Core Process is to bring high quality research that addresses community health problems effectively and efficiently in terms of quality, cost, and time and customer satisfaction

Research and Technology Transfer Core-Process, has four sub-processes, research agenda setting and proposal review; research project execution, technology transfer and research finding dissemination as well as cross-cutting issue like research capacity development and research partnership. The research and technology transfer organizational set up is process-based such that the research discipline are addressed in terms of disease, nutrition, traditional and modern medicine and environmental studies and vaccine production that will target specific objectives and deliver desired outcomes which is vital for health promotion, disease prevention and control.