- Assessment of the nutritional values and ODAP content of traditional foods prepared from grass pea (Lathyrus sativus)
- Prevalence of Campylobacter jejuni, isolated from Bovine meat and dairy products, from Addis Ababa and nearby towns, Ethiopia
- Development of suitable processes using yellow quality protein Maize (yellow QPM) in the Ethiopian traditional foods: including Complementary food
- Prevalence and Drug Resistance Patterns of Salmonella Concord among Children in Selected Orphanages and Visiting Health Institutions in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
- Study on Germinated Weaning Foods and “Power Flour”
- Study on the improvement of quality of cassava (Manihot esculenta) based foods through appropriate food processing methods: nutritional, technological & toxicological aspects
National Nutrition Based Researches
- Scientific-Newsletter-Analysis-of-Cost-and-Affordability-of-Healthy-Diet-using-Ethiopia-FBDGs
- Challenges and opportunities in CBN adaptation to pastoral areas in Ethiopia
- Implementation of community based nutrition program in Ethiopia after integrated refresher training
- Case studies: Community Based Nutrition Contribution to the Mid-Term Review of the Ethiopia Nutrition Project
- Chick Pea
- Children Practices Among factory Working and Housewife Mothers and Its Implications on Child Nutritional Outcomes in Addis Ababa and Oromia Regions,Ethiopia
- Improving Nutrition, Health and Household Food Security in Northern Shewa and Southern Tigray, Ethiopia
- Nutrition baseline survey report for the National nutrition program of Ethiopia
- Quality of community based nutrition of integrated refresher training and supportive supervision provided for health extension workers in Amhara region, Northwest Ethiopia
- The state of Exclusive Breast-Feeding and Complementary Feeding Practices in selected Zones of Tigray and Amhara Regions of Ethiopia
- Therapeutic Feeding Programme Coverage Assessment Report Wadela Woreda, North Wollo Zone, Amhara Regional State, Ethiopia
- Therapeutic Feeding Programme Coverage Assessment Report Mareko Woreda, Gurage Zone, SNNPR, Ethiopia
- Therapeutic Feeding Programme Coverage Assessment Report Arsi Negele Woreda, West Arsi zone, Oromiya, Ethiopia
Studies on Nutrition Problem
- The Cost of HUNGER in Ethiopia Implications Implications for the Growth and Transformation of Ethiopia
- Ethiopian National Vitamin a Deficiency Survey Report
- Assessment of Iodine Deficiency Disorder (IDD) in Womberma and Burie Districts, West Gojjam Zone, Ethiopia
- Assessment of status of infant and young child feeding (IYCF) practice, policy and programs: Achievements and Gaps, in Ethiopia