A new flagship initiative has launched

A new flagship initiative for Emergency Preparedness and Response (EPR) that can improve Ethiopia’s capacity to prepare, detect and respond to public health emergencies has been officially launched in the presence of H.E. Dr. Lia Tadesse, Minister of Health, Ethiopia and higher officials from other Minister offices, Institutes and Associations; Ambassadors of Embassies; Country Representatives of key partner organizations and participants from several government and partner organizations.
The Minister stressed that the Government of Ethiopia is implementing a Health Sector Transformation Plan-2 where one of the four strategic transformation agendas is to “Improve Health Emergencies and Disaster Risk Management.” Dr. Lia further stated that it is now timely that WHO-AFRO is on a scoping mission of the EPR Flagship Initiative that has proven its effectiveness in the coordination of public health preparedness and response, urging all ministries, partners, and concerned bodies to contribute on implementing this initiative.
Dr. Mesay Hailu, the Director General of EPHI expressed that EPHI will work for the realization of WHO-AFRO’s scoping mission in member states to full fill some of the gaps exposed in the emergency preparedness and response.
Mr. Aschalew Abayneh, EPHI’s Deputy Director General, on his behalf said that the flagship initiatives are expected to build upon the existing infrastructure to put in place a well-organized partner support system that augments national capacity.
Dr. Boureima Hama Sambo, WHO-Ethiopia Country Representative mentioned that the EPR Flagship Initiative, which will be led by the Government of Ethiopia is expected to continue to strengthen the endeavor towards building a strong and resilient health system to prevent, protect, detect and respond to public health emergencies.
This event has been organized by MOH and EPHI in collaboration with WHO-Ethiopia. A Technical Working Group comprising of experts from different government sectors and partner organizations will develop a roadmap and a two-year costed work plan in the next few days.