Anthrax and Rabies Validation Workshop Conducted
The Ethiopian Public Health Institute’s (EPHI) Bacterial, Parasitic and Zoonosis Diseases Research Directorate (BPZDRD) successfully organized a validation workshop for the National Rabies and Anthrax Prevention and Control Strategies which was held on April 2 & 3, 2018 in EPHI’s National Training Center’s hall.
To launch and validate strategic plan to sector-line ministries and donors and to endorse and integrate with GTP-2 for sector specific implementation plans were the goals of the workshop while highlighting detailed implementation plan listed in phases for both documents; highlighting budget headings for various activities; and to discuss on the next point of actions after the endorsement of both strategies were the specific objectives.
“I would like to thank the Anthrax and Rabies National Technical Groups and National One Health Steering Committee, development partners who worked hard to make this strategy validation workshop happen. I am happy that this National Strategy will demonstrate the intention of One Health partnership among all stakeholders during the implementation. That is why it deserves great appreciation,” said Dr. Tsigereda Kifle EPHI’s Deputy Director General while opening the workshop.
Dr. Assefa Deressa EPHI’s PBZD’s Zoonosis Case Team Coordinator in his part said that it is time to briefly update all stakeholders invited from Federal and Regional states that the developed strategic plan is ready to be endorsed for implementation. The summary of estimated budget and action plans will also be highlighted for decision makers and various development partners for possible fund solicit. With this concept, EPHI and FAO have organized this joint validation workshop.
“The components of the drafted documents constitute general description about the situation of the diseases in the country, description of the strategic pillars, a performance Monitoring and Planning sections (PMPs) with a two year estimated budget and work plan,” added Dr. Assefa.
On the workshop a brief highlight and recap of both developed strategies, Rabies and Anthrax strategic plans were presented which were followed by discussions and the way forward.