Anthrax Research Project Launched
On a workshop conducted on March 12, 2018 the anthrax research project was launched. The workshop aimed to sensitize and lobby partners for possible fund raising and to officially engage stakeholders towards the implementation of the project.
Dr. Tsigereda Kifle Deputy Director General of the Ethiopian Public Health Institute (EPHI) said that EPHI in collaboration with MOLF, EWCA and Ministry of Environment and with national and international partners identified top five zoonotic diseases and Anthrax is among these top five diseases next to rabies.
According to the organizers anthrax has a public health and economy problems, nationally and globally. Even if it has a double burden and a threat across the nation, there was no base line information to design interventional national strategies. Therefore EPHI together with different sectors has developed and approved this research project to strengthen base line data on the epidemiology of Anthrax at human, animal and the environment interface in Ethiopia. The proposed project will continue to address the national Anthrax control strategy in collaboration with the stakeholders to establish local capacity through experience sharing, innovations and sharing progress of the projects to scientific community under One Health umbrella.