Basic EOC Training Being Conducted

The Ethiopian Public Health Institute’s (EPHI), Public Health Emergency Management (PHEM) Center is entitled for anticipating, preventing, preparing for, detecting, responding to, controlling and recovering from consequences of any public health threats in Ethiopia. To support the execution of this mandate the EPHI, PHEM Center in collaboration with its partners is providing a three day Basic Emergency Operation Center (EOC) training for 30 PHEM Officers invited from the regions starting from July 5, 2018.
The coordinators of the training Mr. Abrham Lilay and Mr. Shambel Habebe from EPHI’s PHEM have mentioned that, the training is worthwhile to strengthen public health emergency preparedness and response capacity by inducing the concept of EOC and Incident Management System (IMS) at all levels. EPHI, PHEM is ready to facilitate the establishment of EOC in all regions after the completion of the training and the trainees will be expected to fill the critical positions in the EOC IMS structure (Incident Manger, Operation Section and Planning Section).
During PHEM Forum, held one day preceding the training, the Regional PHEM Core Process Owners have assured that the training will be very helpful to establish / strengthen EOC and IMS in all regions and to cascade the training down to the woredas.