Council of Ministers Establishes EHNRI as EPHI
The Ethiopian Council of Ministers has established the Ethiopian Health and Nutrition Research Institute, EHNRI as the Ethiopian Public Health Institute, EPHI under its regulation No. 301/2013, as of 15th of January, 2014.
According to the regulation, the name change is being instituted to reflect the Institute’s recently enhanced role in undertaking health researches based on national public health research agenda on priority health and nutrition problems, enhance public health emergency management system and strengthen the national health laboratory system.
Dr. Amha Kebede, Director General of the EPHI, on his letter of name change notification that was sent to several organizations indicated that, utilizing the given legal status and mandates of the Institute, the services and other activities towards addressing the public health problems of the nation will continue in effective manner.
“I look forward to providing the same and enhanced services and contributions that EHNRI has offered to customers and the nation’s health system to date and I inquire all our partners and stakeholders for their continued support to the EPHI in a way that the public health agendas are effectively addressed” said Amha Kebede, PhD
It is learned that, while the name of the Institute is changing, the legal status and its office address and contact details will remain the same. The Institute’s main services and ongoing activities remains fundamentally unaffected by the change and all contracts with existing customers, stakeholders and partners will remain unaltered.