Disease Control and Prevention Training was Conducted

The Ethiopian Public Health Institute (EPHI) planned and is being implementing public health surveillance system throughout the country in order to early detect and respond to any public health event.
One of the core capacities required to early detection, notification and responding is having strong surveillance system constituting both indicator-based surveillance (IBS) and event-based surveillance (EBS).
Public Health Emergency Management Center of EPHI in collaboration with the US Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention conducted training on Event-Based Surveillance system from June 6-17, 2016 in Embilta Hotel, Addis Ababa. The aim of the training was to strengthen the public health surveillance system of the country through building technical capacity of the surveillance officers at the national and regional level and develop SOP for Ethiopia EBS to be utilized both the federal, regional and community level.
The training participants were from public health emergency management, epidemiology and surveillance of EPHI, Ministry of Livestock and Fishery, Ministry of Defense and Federal Police Commission.