Dissemination workshop held on HIV/TB and related diseases survey and surveillance

The Ethiopian Public Health Institute conducts a progress report and dissemination workshop on HIV/TB and related diseases survey and surveillance in collaboration with the Federal Ministry of Health, Federal HIV/AIDS prevention and control office, Ethiopian Public Health Association, CDC-Ethiopia, WHO and TB-Care from September 16 to 18, 2014, in Bahir Dar.
During the opening session of the workshop, Dr. Amha Kebede, Director General of EPHI said that HIV/TB and related diseases survey and surveillance is the priority areas of the Institute. “Through conducting researches on those diseases we could generate evidence based information that helps the national effort of disease prevention and control of the country and address public health and nutrition problems” said Dr. Amha. Ato Birhanu Feyissa, Director General of Federal HIV/ADIS Prevention and Control Office, Ato Ayelign Mulualem Head/ Amhara Regional State Health Bureau, Prof. Afework v/President of Ethiopian public Health Association had also delivered key note address. Mr. Desta Kassa Director of HIV/TB Research Directorate has introduced the over all workshop programs and the expected outcomes.
On his behalf Dr. Yibeltal Assefa Deputy Director General of The Ethiopian Public Health Institute said that the institute is planned now to make the research outputs most utilized instead of putting them on shelf.
“As a national research Institute, in order to conduct effective health researches we are intended to enhance collaboration and coordination with government Institutions and other concerned stakeholders. We will also continue building the capacity of regional health bureaus as part of our main duty” added Dr. Yebeltal.
Dr. Yebeltal has also acknowledged the financial and logistics support provided by Federal HIV/AIDS prevention and Control Office, Regional health bureaus, Amhara regional state health bureau, Ethiopian public health association, CDC-Ethiopia, WHO, UNAIDS TB-Care.
The workshop was grouped into four thematic areas: Behavioral and HIV infection survey on most at risk population (MARPS); National assessment of TB/HIV collaboration, DOTS practice and TB IC; Drug resistance survey (TB/HIV, and STI); and Advanced clinical monitoring (ACM) of ART in Ethiopia. It has dual purpose disseminating the findings and creating a forum to design the usage of research findings for program implementation.
The workshop has accommodated more than 15 presentations and attracts about 230 participants from Federal Ministry of health, Federal Institutions, regional health bureaus, Universities and stakeholders.