EPHI Conducted 2nd Round Public Wing Meeting
The Ethiopian Public Health Institute (EPHI) conducted the 2nd round meeting with the public wing on May 4, 2016 in the Institute’s premises to evaluate the performance of the previously laid action plan with the public wing.
Dr. Yibeltal Assefa Deputy Director General of EPHI on his opening speech after welcoming the guests indicated that the discussion will be based on government and the public wing issues.
“When government and the public work together the envisioned growth will be achieved successfully and also partnership and collaboration is the main focus area of our strategic plan. Moreover what is expected from this meeting is to plan together a formal and structured plan,” he added.
Next to the Deputy Director, Arega Zeru EPHI’s Plan, Monitoring and Evaluation Directorate’s Director presented the overall performance of the Institute, what is being done regarding the plan with the public wing and activities that are ongoing.
“Currently we are working on different areas which were planned with the public wing; to mention is the field epidemiology which is underway in collaboration with eight local universities and the trainings provided related to health issues. In addition we will plan together how to work together to build laboratory capacities, research and Public Health Emergency Management (PHEM),” said Arega.
A Survey Study on Non Communicable Disease and A Diet Manual for Diabetic Patients were presented by Abebe Bekele EPHI’s Health System Research Directorate Director and Temesgen Aweke from EPHI’s Nutrition and Food Sciences Research Directorate respectively. These presentations are part of the Institute and the Public Wing’s plan to be further developed and published to be distributed to the public.
Following the presentations the floor which was made open for suggestions, comments and questions from the participants which was proactively attended. And discussions were made on the way forward and what is expected for the 3rd quarterly meeting.
Representatives from Ethiopian Medical Association, Ethiopian Public Health Association, Ethiopian Public Health Laboratory Association, Ethiopian Pharmacists Association, Ethiopian Food and Nutrition Association, Ethiopian Medical Laboratory Association, Ethiopian Veterinary and Directors from EPHI participated on the meeting.