Ethiopia hosts a Global EOC Simulation Exercise
In an effort to improve public health emergency preparedness, Ethiopia is hosting the 2024 Global Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Simulation Exercise (GOCEX-2024).
At the event’s opening, H.E. Dr. Mekdes Daba, Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Minister of Health, stated that the country has made significant investments in health emergency preparedness and regularly assesses risks at the national, sub-national, and district levels, and develops comprehensive Emergency Preparedness and Response plans using a One Health approach. The Minister asserts that these steps will ensure the nation is well-prepared to quickly and successfully address new health threats.
“The Ethiopia Public Health Institute plays a significant role in strengthening public health systems and ensuring preparedness for and response to public health emergencies,” stated Dr. Mesay Hailu, Director General of the Ethiopia Public Health Institute. The Director General added that these simulation exercises will enable us to assess the capacity and capability of our national and sub-national public health Emergency Operations Centers. Additionally, this exercise will provide us with an opportunity to learn from one another and build alliances that strengthen our ability to tackle future health challenges.
The Ethiopia Public Health Institute’s national public health emergency center has been the cornerstone for the response to public health emergencies, guaranteeing coordination and readiness at every level, according to Dr. Melkamu Abite, Deputy Director general of the institute. Additionally, public health emergency operation centers have made significant progress in developing their operational mode over the years, and the Deputy Director General confirmed that the center will keep aiming for excellence in all of its endeavors.
Dr. Michel Yao, Director of Strategic Health Operations within WHO Health Emergencies Programme. “The GEOCX 2024 simulation provides a unique opportunity for Member States to strengthen their emergency preparedness and response systems, enhancing coordination mechanisms to ensure that PHEOCs are equipped to deliver rapid, life-saving actions during crises. Dr. Nonhlanhla Dlamini, Deputy, WHO country representative for Ethiopia, stated that Ethiopia is joining the international community in demonstrating its dedication to global health security initiatives in addressing public health crises, irrespective of their origin or magnitude, by hosting this Global Emergency Operations Center simulation exercise. The US CDC, European CDC, Africa CDC and UKSA also participated in the simulation exercise, which included over 300 participants from 73 countries.
The WHO EOC-NET secretariat coordinated the worldwide emergency operational center simulation exercise, which was co-hosted by the WHO Ethiopia country office and the Ethiopian Public Health Institute.