Ethiopian Public Health Institute disseminates HIV/TB and related diseases survey and surveillance Findings
July 14, 2014
The Ethiopian Public Health Institute (EPHI) disseminates HIV/TB and related diseases survey and surveillance findings on the workshop conducted from January 23 to 25, 2014, in Hawasa.
Dr. Amha Kebede Director General of EPHI, in his opening remarks said that the institute is disseminating the HIV/TB and other related diseases survey and surveillance findings almost immediately following the renaming of EHNRI as the Ethiopian Public Health Institute, EPHI.
“As a National Public Health Institute, we have conducted several HIV related researches that have public health priorities, including ANC based HIV surveillance on two years based, TB/HIV surveillance, STI case surveillance, HIV and TB Drug Resistance activities” Dr Amha added
Mr. Kifle Gebremariam, Deputy Head of the State Government of the Southern Ethiopia Nations, Nationalities and Peoples, on his key note address welcomed the participants saing that “first of all I would like to say welcome you all to this beautiful city Hawasa, to participate on the National HIV/TB and related Diseases survey and surveillance result dissemination workshop”
Mr. Birhanu Feyissa Director General of Federal HIV Prevention and Control Office, on his part also said that “this research findings dissemination workshop hopefully will provide us relevant data and evidence based information to enhance our National holistic HIV prevention and control program activities.”
According to the workshop coordinators at the EPHI, the workshop is conducted to update participants on current level of HIV epidemic, share directions and recommendations from survey and surveillance activities, engage regions and other stakeholders in surveillance activities, update on going and planned HIV related survey and surveillance activities, create awareness, create understanding and involvement of stakeholders in HIV related survey and surveillance and promote use of data from survey and surveillance.
The workshop attracts participates and representing FMOH, FHPCO, CDC-Ethiopia, CHAI, Tulane International and all regional health bureaus. The workshop has also created the opportunity to present five completed research outputs, four partially completed, three ongoing and seven planned research activities.