Hepatitis B Vaccine Provided for Institute Staff
Following the plan of the Federal Ministry of Health (MoH) to vaccinate all health care workers, the Ethiopian Public Health Institute’s (EPHI) Regional Laboratories Capacity Building Directorate (RLCBD) organized the three doses of HB Vaccine for all staffs of the Institute.
Mr. Abnet Abebe, coordinator of the vaccination said that the Institute is working on different human specimen and one of the transmission methods of HBV is a direct contact with blood or body fluids from an infected person. So HB Vaccine is very important to protect staffs from this highly infectious virus.
“With this principle a total of 460 staffs were vaccinated during the first round successfully. The vaccine is 95% efficient if the three doses; Dose 1 –at 0 Month, Dose 2 – one month from the first dose, Dose 3 -six months from the first dose, are taken properly. All staffs who took the first or the second dose of the vaccine have to finish properly all the three doses as per the schedule,” added Mr. Abnet.
Hepatitis B virus which is found in blood and many other body fluids causes inflammation of the liver. Hepatitis B vaccine is recommended for all persons who are at increased risk of infection with Hepatitis B virus, including health care workers who may be exposed to blood or body substances.