Horizon Europe funds ENABLE project to reduce early NCD risk in urban environments in Ethiopia

Horizon Europe funds ENABLE project to reduce early NCD risk in urban environments in Ethiopia
The Ethiopian Public Health Institute (EPHI) and the Norwegian Institute of Public Health (NIPH) are delighted to announce the receipt of a new grant totaling 4 million Euros from the EU Horizon Europe Framework Programme for ENABLE: Enabling environments for NCD risk reduction in Ethiopia. This competitive grant has been awarded to the ENABLE research consortium, coordinated by NIPH’s Global Health Cluster with co-PIs, Dr.Eleni Papadopoulou, PhD (NIPH) and Dr.Masresha Tessema, PhD (EPHI) leading the effort. The ENABLE project will run over the course of 48 months, starting in early 2024. The grant was secured under the call: “Interventions in city environments to reduce risk of non-communicable disease (Global Alliance for Chronic Diseases – GACD), HORIZON-HLTH-2023-DESEASE-0303”.
This collaborative project will engage with national partner with academic Ethiopian organizations (Jimma University, Haramaya University and Addis Continental Institute of Public Health ), along with international partners ( University of Oslo, Lund University, Uppsala University, Wageningen University & Research, Vital Strategies, and Nigerian Institute of Medical Research ).
Choosing a healthy lifestyle should be accessible for all. For this reason, we are working to ensure that public policy decisions are evidence-based and context-specific. We aim to enable, facilitate, and motivate healthy nutrition and physical activity habits while also preventing toxic exposures from early life. Through this process, we can reduce life-course chronic disease while contributing to increased productivity and welfare in future generations. ENABLE’s vital mission is to work together to create healthier, happier, and more productive communities in urban areas of Ethiopia.
The ENABLE project’s objective is to equitably implement context-adapted evidence-based interventions to increase knowledge, develop capacity and skills, and promote positive behavior change among pregnant women, community groups and health care providers in urban communities in four Ethiopian cities: Addis Ababa, Adama, Harar, and Jimma.
The project is aligned with the National NCD prevention strategy of Ethiopia and contributes to the global knowledge gap for implementation of evidence-based interventions. In addition, this project synergistically works with NIPHs Building Stronger Public Health Institutions and Systems (BIS) Program, funded by NORAD. The BIS-Ethiopia collaboration between NIPH and EPHI focuses on building institutional capacitates in environmental health.
“We work together to create a program that will promote healthy eating habits, increase physical activity, and reduce exposure to pollution for urban communities in Ethiopia. We can prevent NCDs and improve the health and well-being of people in Ethiopia.” – The Enable Consortium