National Nutrition Conference 2021

December 1, 2021
The Ethiopian Public Health Institute, in collaboration with NIPN, is hosting a National Nutrition Conference from December 8-10, 2021.
The theme of the conference is ” Generation and Mobilization of Nutrition Evidence to Tackle Malnutrition: From Data to Action”.
The objectives of this conference are to:
•Facilitate dialogue and information dissemination among decision-makers, program implementers, researchers, industries, and other food and nutrition stakeholders.
•Nurture the process of evidence-informed decision-making for improved policies, for the design, planning, and implementation of programs, and for improvements/adjustments based on the findings.
•Identify food, nutrition, and health data sources, determine the evidence gaps and research priorities and advocate for information generation through implementation and operational research.
Thematic areas for the conference include:
Track 1: Tracking progress towards local and global malnutrition targets
Track 2: Lessons learned and challenges related to the implementation of nutrition programs in Ethiopia
Track 3: Leveraging data for accountability and action among the Ethiopian Food and Nutrition Strategy (FNS) implementing sectors
Track 4: Food systems research