The National Information Platform for Nutrition (NIPN) to host a monthly nutrition policy and research seminar on the topic “Nutrition Sensitive Agriculture” on December 7,2018.
A nutrition policy and research seminar, jointly organized by Ethiopian Public Health .Institute (EPHI) and the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), with a theme “Nutrition Sensitive Agriculture” will be held on December 7,2018 at the EPHI training center in Addis Ababa.
The monthly seminar is organized as one part of the outreach activities of the “National Information Platform for Nutrition (NIPN)” with the objective of ensuring a wide dissemination of existing research findings in order to promote nutrition knowledge among the nutrition implementers and decision makers. Additionally the seminar aims at promoting interaction between decision makers and researchers.
The seminar will include two presentations which discusses the theme of addressing nutrition sensitive agriculture. The topics to be presented and discussed will be “Irrigation-Nutrition Linkages: Evidence from Ethiopia” by Dawit Mekonnen, Research Fellow, IFPRI Environment, Production and Technology Division.
The presentation is expected to show the different potential pathways through which irrigation can influence nutrition. The presentation tries to show how irrigation strongly puts its effect on household’s economic access to food and on nutritional outcomes of women and children.
Additionally, a presentation with a topic “Agriculture-Nutrition Programs: what have we learned?” will be presented by Namukolo Covic, Senior Research Coordinator, Agriculture for Nutrition and Health Program.
The presentation will briefly highlight a recent review by an A4NH Team at IFPRI that nutrition sensitive agriculture (NSA) programmes do indeed work but a lot of learning is still going on.
Nutrition related researchers, program implementers and decision makers from national and international institutions are invited to attend the seminar. A total of 90 participants are expected to attend the seminar.
The National Information Platform for Nutrition (NIPN) is part of a global initiative launched by the European Commission to support countries with a large burden of under nutrition with the aim to promote evidence informed nutrition policies and programs.
For more information on the seminar, or to confirm your or or before Dec 3, 2018.