Officers Graduated in FFETP in Hawassa, SNNPR

The Ethiopian Public Health Institute’s (EPHI) Center for Public Health Emergency Management (cPHEM) certified 38 PHEM officers who completed the Frontline Field Epidemiology Training Program (FFETP) on March 22, 2019 in Tigray. The certified PHEM officers are drawn from all woredas of south region.
The training aims to strengthen capacity of PHEM Officers in detection and responding to public health emergencies, increase knowledge of PHEM officers in the use of public health data for decision-making, provide quality surveillance data and use the data for disease and outbreak detection and improve the sharing and dissemination of public health information at each level.
In general the training is organized to increase the knowledge and skills of PHEM officers to build epidemiologic capacity (including strengthening public health surveillance and promoting use of data for decision-making) at the zonal, Woreda and health facility of south region.