Quality Control Workshop Held at Adama

The Ethiopian Public Health Institute (EPHI) in collaboration with Center for Diseases Control (CDC-Ethiopia) and American Society for Clinical Pathology ASCP) have conducted a training on Statistical Quality Control and Method Validation from March 13 to 21, 2017 at Adama.
Ato Adinew Desalew the training coordinator of the regional laboratories capacity building directorate at EPHI said that the objective of the training is to strengthen the capacity of laboratory technologist’s in accordance with the requirements of ISO/15189:2012, general requirements for the competence of testing and validating laboratories.
Mr. Gonfa Ayana Director of the Regional Laboratories Capacity Building Directorate of the EPHI during his closing remarks said that you are now equipped with new methodologies to strengthen the capacity of testing and validation of your laboratories by using the necessary steps of laboratory procedures. Hope you will share the knowledge you get for your colleagues at your respective facilities and wish all the best for your endeavors to achieve your goals he added.
The training was given by Mrs. Anna Murphy who is a laboratory expert at the American Society for Clinical Pathology (ASCP) of the United States of America. The trainees were laboratory technologists who are currently working in Tigray, Amhara, Oromia, Dire Dawa, SNNPR and Addis Ababa regional health bureau’s laboratory facilities respectively. 33 trainees participated on the training.
Finally, the trainees handover different gifts for Mrs. Anna Murphy who is very dedicated and capable enough in her professional capacity in giving the training throughout the sessions.