Staffs Certified for Laboratories Accreditations Contribution
The Ethiopian Public Health Institute’s (EPHI) National Laboratories Capacity Building Directorate (NLCBD) awarded certificates to staffs and cups for directorates on April 14, 2018 in recognition for their distinguished performances and contributions during the process of acquiring accreditations for the Institute’s laboratories.
EPHI has acquired accreditations for five of its national laboratories.
On the certificate award ceremony Addisu Kebede Acting Director of NLCBD indicated that EPHI is working hard to get accreditations for all its laboratories, and next to being accredited the major task is to maintain the momentum and render quality service which contributed for this success.
EPHI is accredited for the following laboratories:
•HIV molecular reference laboratory achieved accreditation on August 16, 2017 which fulfills the ISO15189:2012 requirements. The laboratory accredited with DNA PCR for HIV early infant diagnosis (EID) test.
•National TB reference laboratory achieved accreditation on August 10, 2017 which fulfills the ISO15189:2012 requirements. The laboratory accredited with GeneXpert MTB/RIF test.
•National Clinical Chemistry reference laboratory achieved accreditation on May 26, 2017 which fulfills the ISO15189:2012 requirements. The laboratory accredited with ALT, AST, Glucose, Creatinine, Urea, Total protein, Cholesterol and Triglyceride tests.
•National clinical bacteriology and mycology reference laboratory achieved accreditation on July 10, 2017 which fulfills the ISO15189:2012 requirements. The laboratory accredited with classical technique with culture media preparation, Isolation, Biochemical identification and disc diffusion tests using eight type of specimens.
•Food science and Nutrition achieved accreditation on October 6, 2016 which fulfills the ISO17025:2005 requirements. The laboratory accredited with moisture content and fat content tests from food and feed. And iodine test from urine.