Stakeholders meeting held on Anti-microbial Resistance Surveillance
The Ethiopian Public Health Institute’s (EPHI) Bacterial, Parasitic and Zoonotic Disease Research Directorate in collaboration with CDC-Ethiopia and American Society for Microbiology conducted a stakeholders meeting on anti-microbial resistance surveillance networking from 10 to 12, August, 2016, at Adama, Ethiopia.
According to the workshop organizer’s, the objectives of the stakeholders meeting was to enrich Anti-microbial resistance surveillance national draft plan, to determine the implementation strategy and to develop final actionable national plan which will be implemented by each actor at all levels.
Mr. Gonfa Ayana Director of the Regional Laboratories Capacity Building Directorate of the Institute, on his opening remarks said that, the EPHI was doing this microbial laboratory tests for a long time and still is working on it. This stakeholders meeting is very helpful for our Institute to improve the research activities and deliver evidence based information on anti-microbial drug resistance for decision makers, he added.
Keynote addresses were presented by the representative of Food, Medicine and Healthcare Administration and Control Authority of Ethiopia (FMHACA), and the representative of the American Society of Microbiology (ASM) respectively.
The workshop has attracted about 68 participants from all regional health bureaus except Harari region, and two city administration health bureaus, FMHACA, Pharmaceuticals Fund and Supply Agency(PFSA), Veterinary Drug and Animal Feed Administration and Control Authority of Ethiopia(VDFACA), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC), American Society of Microbiology(ASM), Ethiopian Medical Laboratory Association(EMLA), Ethiopian Public Health Association(EPHA), Ethiopian Medical Association(EMA), National Animal Health Diagnostic and Investigation Center(NAHDIC), Ohayo State University and Ethiopian Public Health Institute.