The Nutrition Policy and Research Seminar held at the EPHI Training Center.

The National Information Platform for Nutrition (NIPN) conducted its monthly nutrition policy and research seminar on the title “The fight against micronutrient deficiencies: identification, interventions, strategies and policy” on Oct 4 at the Ethiopian Public Health Institute’s (EPHI) Training Center.In his opening remark, Ato Masresha Tessema, acting director of the FSNRD pointed out and updated the audience on the initiatives in micronutrient deficiencies that has been going on in the Food Science and Nutrition research Directorate (FSNRD).Following the opening, Professor Jacques Berger, from Montpellier University, presented the research findings in different countries.Professor Jacques shared his presentation by identifying the magnitude and consequences of Anemia in Bolivia, Vietnam, the Philippines and Cambodia. He also shared results from intervention studies that tested effective strategies to treat anemia. The interventions used in his studies not only focused on supplementation but also fortification of local foods to identify sustainable solutions. He emphasized that in order to effectively reduce anemia the contribution of all causal factors should be considered. He also stated that it is important to work with equal contribution, multi-sectoral teams to address micronutrient deficiencies. Finally, he stressed the importance of translating research to inform policy and programs. Three panelists, Ato Dilnesaw Zerfu from EPHI, Dr.Kaleab Baye from AAU, and Dr.Amare Deribew from NI, reflected on the implications of these findings to Ethiopian nutrition context and explained how the NIPN could do its share on this area. They emphasized the importance of recognizing global recommendations and the significance of translating those evidences in to local context. It is also reflected by the panelists that several research gaps were showed on the presentation which should be explored and addressed by research institutions and other stakeholders