Training on Vaccine Preventable Diseases Surveillance is going on in Arba Minch
The Ethiopian Public Health Institute’s (EPHI) Public Health Emergency Management (PHEM) is delivering training on Vaccine Preventable Diseases Surveillance and Response in Arba Minch to PHEM officers starting from February 26, 2018 which will be completed on February 29, 2018.
By providing the training strengthening Integrated Diseases Surveillance system and procedures on surveillance data management, detection, collection, investigation and validation of cases, reporting, analysis and interpretation of data are the general objectives of the training.
According to the trainers to refresh PHEM officers on the IDSR principles and tools, to have update on GPEI strategies and status, to understand core functions of AFP surveillance, case detection, validation, follow up, classification and measures of performance indicators, laboratory surveillance, brief clinical evaluation of AFP cases, to refresh PHEM officers on measles case based surveillance procedure and other VPDs surveillance (Meningitis, NNT) are the specific objectives of the training.
After completing the training the trainees are expected to develop skills on how to collect data, conduct surveillance data analysis by person, place and time, to interpret the surveillance data and utilize the surveillance data for program interventions, be more familiar and strengthen the involvement with AFP surveillance reporting formats, when and how to report surveillance data, able to investigate and validate cases and use AFP surveillance data at regional, zonal and woreda level.
More than 90 PHEM officers from nine zones and 87 woredas of South Nations, Nationalities and people’s region will be participating on the training. Up to date the same training was provided for about 520 woreda and zonal PHEM officers from Oromia, Afar and South Nations, Nationalities and Peoples Regional State (SNNPRS).